How the sprayer works?

Bernoulli's principle

07c1990d1294f3a22f7e08d9bd636034Bernoulli, Swiss physicist, mathematician, medical scientist. He is the most outstanding representative of the Bernoulli mathematical family (4 generations and 10 members). He studied philosophy and logic at the University of Basel at the age of 16, and later obtained a master's degree in philosophy. At the age of 17-20, he studied medicine. Obtained a master's degree in medicine, became a famous surgeon and served as a professor of anatomy. However, under the influence of his father and brother, he finally turned to mathematical sciences. Bernoulli succeeded in a wide range of fields. In addition to the main field of fluid dynamics, there are astronomical measurements, gravity, irregular orbits of planets, magnetism, oceans, tides, etc.
Daniel Bernoulli first proposed in 1726: "In a current of water or air, if the velocity is small, the pressure will be large; if the velocity is large, the pressure will be small". We call this the "Bernoulli Principle".
We hold two pieces of paper and blow air between the two pieces of paper, we will find that the paper will not float out, but will be squeezed together by a force; because the air between the two pieces of paper is blown by us to flow If the speed is fast, the pressure is small, and the air outside the two papers does not flow, and the pressure is large, so the air with a large force outside "presses" the two papers together.
The sprayer is made of the principle of high flow rate and low pressure.


Let the air flow out of the small hole quickly, the pressure near the small hole is small, and the air pressure on the liquid surface in the container  is  strong, and the liquid rises along the thin tube under the small hole. The impact was sprayed into a mist.

Post time: Sep-08-2022