How to make your own lipstick?

How to make lipstick:
1. Slice the beeswax into a clean container, a glass beaker or a stainless steel pot. Heat over water, stirring until completely melted.
2. When the temperature of the beeswax solution drops to 60 degrees, but it is still in a liquid state, add all the ingredients except vitamin E, heat it slowly, and stir until it is completely combined. After everything is integrated, drop in VE, stir again, and the paste material is ready. Be sure to keep it in a liquid state.
3. The lipstick tube is prepared in advance, and it is best to fix the small tubes one by one. Pour the liquid into the tube body in 2 batches. The first time is two-thirds full, and after the poured paste has solidified, pour the second time until it is flush with the mouth of the tube. The reason for pouring it in two times is that if it is filled at one time, there will be a hollow phenomenon, and the paste will not be able to be screwed out.
4. After all the filling is completed, let it cool naturally, the cooled paste will solidify, and finally cover it with a cap.

Post time: Sep-27-2022